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Topi, Topi ,
Geography Topi is located in the east of Swabi District of the Khyber Pukhtoonkwa Province of Pakistan. Topi is located to the west of the Tarbela Dam, the world's largest earth filled dam.Tarbela Dam is the largest hydroelectric generation project in Pakistan, producing 3,495 megawatts of electricity accounting for 40 percent of the Water and Power Development Authority's total power output as of 1980.Topi along with three other villages i.e. Kotha, Maini and Batakara constitute the area known as "Uthman". Uthman is the branch of the famous Yousafzai tribe. The town of Topi became well known after the Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology (GIKI), named after (Ghulam Ishaq Khan), a former President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, was established here in 1993. Subdivision and politics Topi town is bifurcated among two union councils, one is called Topi (East) while the other is called Topi (West). Topi is also divided into three parts, Alizo, Akazo and Kanazo. Alizo comprises Mohalla Booba Khel, Punj Paw, Khararai, Ismail Khel and Suma Khel. Akazo is composed of Mohalla Urh Ibrahim, Khadar Khan Khel, Painda Khel, Sabi Khel, Pir Azgi and Niki Khel. Kanazo comprises Mohalla Awan, Musa khel, Musa khel Mero, Bara Khel, Sana Khel and Ghulam & Muhammad Khan Khel. Education sector The litracy rate in Topi is very high. The people are highly skilled and well educated. Nearly all children are sent to school by their parents. Both boys and girls are treated the same when it comes to education, hence both male and female enjoys the benefits of education. The students belonging to topi are studying in different Medical, Engineering and other wellknown universities and colleges around Pakistan and abroad. The town of Topi is home of the Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology (GIKI), named after Ghulam Ishaq Khan, a former President of Pakistan. Sports TOPI has an attractive sports environment. Cricket, badminton and football are the favourite games of its youth. One can not go without being entertained by the local cultural game called, "Makha" which is played by the farmers at the end of April and start of May after harvesting the wheat crops each year. Makha (Shooting) is the traditional game of Swabi, in which different villages take part to compete each other. Makha is kind of shooting using a bow and arrow with a relatively large stick and instead of a tip, it has a flat dish-shaped head called Tobray, The target is hit by arrow with the help of bow. Notable residents Topi is the birthplace of Nawab Sir Sahibzada Abdul Qayyum Khan, a pioneer of modern education in the Province. He founded and donated the land for Islamia College Peshawar in 1913 and Government High School Topi in 1935. Notes The names of these places are "Urdu-ized"—the locals do not use this pronunciation. Locally Topi = Topaye; Swabi = Sawa'Baye; Tarbela = tuR'Bella; Kotha = koTa, etc. The Khan of Topi Family ruled this area for almost five hundered years. At the end of Nobility after the land reforms the last Khan of Topi was Khan Sahib Khan Mohammed Umer Khan who also was a prominant Muslim Leaguer and politician who played role in the partition of 1947. The Last Khan of Topi also donated the land for current Pokice Station Topi and ten acres of the markazi eid Gah Topi
Kotha (Swabi)

Kotha (Swabi)

Topi, Topi ,
kotha is the main city of Swabi . Which is located near Topi and tarbela


topi, Topi ,
topi city near to terbella dam
Project Topi

Project Topi

GIK Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology, Topi ,
The organization is based primarily in Topi village of District Swabi in the KPK province of Pakistan; hence, the name. Project Topi tries to contribute towards the well being of people living in the Topi village and the surrounding areas through a group of committed volunteers wholly from within the student body of GIKI. Project Topi contributes mainly in the areas of education, health and employment for the betterment of people in Topi and surrounding villages.