Business and Personal web pages from Pakistan Search result

Cafe Friends

Cafe Friends

Main Wadhu Wah Road Beside Sunny Cng Qasimabad, Hyderabad Lines ,
We guarantee you a good experience on your each visit =)
Tel: 3453802326
Nafees Cloth Centre

Nafees Cloth Centre

saddar cant, Hyderabad Lines ,
Asim jofa alkaram textiles alzohaib lakhani silk prints firdous collection cresent lawn shariq prints plain chicken clasic five star prints al hamra collection saad fashion
Tel: 222781455
Aqsa Model School - Afandi Town

Aqsa Model School - Afandi Town

Aqsa Model School..A place where ur child can get Islamic and advance knowledge at the same tym..:)
Tel: 3322009944
Hyderabad Wheeler Group

Hyderabad Wheeler Group

Pakistan Sindh , Hyderabad Lines ,
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Isra university clinical page

Isra university clinical page

Hala Road Hyderabad, Sindh-P.O. Box 313, Hyderabad Lines ,
The university is owned by Isra Islamic Foundation, a non-profit organization, certified by Pakistan Centre for Philanthropy (PCP). The University is administered by a team of highly qualified and committed professionals. It has been placed by HEC in the ‘W’ category, the highest for universities in the private sector. The main campus is situated in the historical city of Hyderabad with additional campuses in Karachi and Islamabad. The easily accessible and beautiful campuses provide services that create an academic environment of learning and intellectual growth
Insaf Youth Wing Sindh

Insaf Youth Wing Sindh, Hyderabad Lines ,
Insaf Youth Wing is the official Youth Wing of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (پاکستان تحريک انصاف)