Business and Personal web pages from Pakistan Search result

PTI NA-252 Karachi

PTI NA-252 Karachi

Candidate Profiles for Elections 2013: NA 252 - ALI ZAIDI -Candidate in 2002 Elections for Provincial assembly seat from Karachi PS 116 -Served as International Coordinator of PTI from 2005 till 2008 -Initiated, the official website of PTI and managed if for 4 years from 2004 till 2008 -Served as Senior Vice President Sind in 2012 -Member of PTI Judicial Policy Committee -Founding President of the Imran Khan Foundation US, an IRS tax exempt 501 C-3 charity organization based in the US. Served from Oct 2005 till Jan 2012. In 7 years since its inception in Oct 2005, the foundation has collected and granted $8 million + in aid/assistance to philanthropic projects in education, social and healthcare sectors. __________________________________________________________________ PS 116 - ERUM BUTT -Joined PTI in 2003 -Served as president Women Wing Karachi -Actively participated and led PTI women in the lawyers movement -Set up relief and medical camps in Sindh during the floods __________________________________________________________________ PS 117 - AHSAN JABBAR -Joined PTI in 2010 -Youth Candidate -Business: (Proprietor) -Work Experience: USA & UAE Associated With -Karachi Chamber of Commerce -Various Business forums Social media team: The page is run by a group of 10 admins. Please email or for queries on Social Media.
Muslim youth organization

Muslim youth organization

Our vision is a strong, democratic, islamic, developed, prosperous and just Pakistan in which every citizen enjoys equal opportunities to develop and grow without any discrimination. Visit and Join:ww
Insaaf Army - The Army of Imran Khan

Insaaf Army - The Army of Imran Khan

Banglow no G-16 Street no 17 Block 6 PECHS, Karachi ,
*~"Insaaf Army - The Army of Imran Khan"~* A platform for Insaafians to share their views, comments and suggestions. Our vision is based on three points: ~"Justice, Humanity, Self Esteem”~ 1. We fight for Justice. 2. We stand for the rights of Humanity. 3. We encourage people for Self Esteem.
Karachi East - NA253, PS126, PS118

Karachi East - NA253, PS126, PS118

This page will serve as the Official Facebook Page of "Furqan Anwar Saeed's Election Campaign"
MQM Unit-158 Sharifabad

MQM Unit-158 Sharifabad

Sharifabad, Karachi., Karachi ,
MQM Unit-158 Sharifabad Responsibility to disseminate timely and useful information about MQM and to further give back-end and front-end support to MQM Let us work together to create a strong foundation for the future of our Nation. community initiative, managed by professionals to protect and help MQM interests for the betterment of MQM, Karachi and Pakistan. Further more the purpose shall be to highlight the importance in tackling the most difficult issues facing our nation. The vision Of MQM for a safe, healthy, progressive, respectable, secular, debt and external control free Pakistan for themselves and their children. The mission of MQM is to develop positive self-esteem, meaningful employment, professional advancement based on merit, and clarify the values on which to build a successful life more over a successful Pakistan. Please join MQM for the noble cause to serve the people of Pakistan. You can make a difference by sharing with us your valuable thoughts and suggestions. If you are seeking official position statements from MQM, please visit "" or ""
Insaf Students Federation [ ISF ] Karachi (Official)

Insaf Students Federation [ ISF ] Karachi (Official)

Banglow no G-16, street no 17, Block-6, PECHS, Karachi, Pakistan, Karachi ,
Register yourself :
All Pakistan Muttahida Student Organization (apmso) - Girls Wing

All Pakistan Muttahida Student Organization (apmso) - Girls Wing

KU Sector, International Relation (I.R.) Department, University of Karachi, Karachi ,
Politician play a very vital role in a countries' development. Mostly, the civilian runs after a medical field, or many pursue their career in engineering or teaching but its quiet rare that someone joins politics and really helps his/her country to get out of the situations which can harm the country as a whole. Especially for our country Pakistan, most of the politician came and made their personal property rather than caring for ou country, so looking forward to this, APMSO encourages student and youth to stand up and join politics for a good cause. Looking forward to this, Karachi was blessed with a person in a poor locality of Karachi. As with every other child he was a keen desirer of his career. He worked hard to bring a shape to his desire. After many struggles and after completing his B.S.C he was able to get admission in Karachi University (Pharmacy). Soon he became appalled by the absurd political situation at the University; there were a number of political parties working for their people, but no one was representing Muhajirs. Muhajirs who had sacrificed their lives, left their homeland, their property for the sake of Pakistan, were now left alone and their rights were not protected. From his belief a person living in Karachi or any other city must get all resources that are the rights of every citizen. Muhajir’s were always discriminated on their on their socio economic issues their rights were not protected by the government. They were living the life of third degree citizens in their own country. He was especially conscious about the Muhajir’s, especially since he also faced lots of injustice by the University officials. After such disappointing behavior by the University officials he started working for the cause of the poor and middle class students of University. He also made the nation realize that the government is not the property of landlords and that it could also be ruled by well-educated and intelligent middle class individuals from the nation. On 11th, June 1978 he provided the university students a way to fight injustice and established “ALL PAKISTAN MUHAJIR STUDENTS ORGANIZATION”, this man is our great leader “ALTAF HUSSAIN”. APMSO got a great fame, after its establishment a bulk of students started supporting it. APMSO won 900 votes from all over the university in the general elections 1980. After a long struggle APMSO became very successful by protecting the rights of Muhajirs but there were lots of areas left where injustice was still on its peak some of these were rural areas of Balochistan, Punjab, N.W.F.P, Sindh and Kashmir. These areas hold the actual population of Pakistan and are the actual resource production units. People in these areas are not considered humans but are treated as animals. To provide a better environment of studies to those peoples A.P.M.S.O proudly converted into the “All Pakistan Muttahidda Students Organization” on 11’ June 2006. APMSO’, sole aim is to provide justice, and for this cause it has also established international communities which are spread all over the world. APMSO, a student’s organization which is now providing its efforts and resources since 1978 now also has the credit of being the most popular student’s organization since then. APMSO is not a cave where a student becomes an inhuman politician but it is an environment where a public minded child learns how to make its personality worth-while and kind to the upcoming nation. Many leaders have arisen from the platform provided by Altaf Hussain bhai and now are working for the nation with great respect and dedication. It was during University life that Mr. Altaf Hussain became involved in activism raising his voice for various injustices against Muhajir students. – Mr. Altaf Hussain rightly felt the sense of depreciation among Muhajir Community. In 1951 the murder of first Muhajir Prime Minister Khan Liaquat Ali Khan, the closure of borders for Muslims of India, the designed ethnic clashes between Muhajir and Pukhtun Communities, forced early retirement of Muhajir Government Officials, transfer of Capital from Karachi to Islamabad, the grave condition of Pakistani’s in the Red Cross Camps after the fall of East Pakistan, the ill distribution of quota among rural and urban Sindh during Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto’s government, language bill, the migration of thousands of families from rural Sindh to Urban centers and many other social and ethnic injustices shaped Mr. Altaf Hussain’s thinking. Especially the injustices towards Muhajir Students forced him to found All Pakistan Muhajir Students Organization on June 11, 1978.- His philosophy gained momentum and large number of students gathered at his platform. He was elected as the first Chairman of APMSO on June 11, 1978. March 18, 1984 – Creation of MQM: By 1984 APMSO’s message has spreaded along each nook and corner of province of Sindh. Several hundred units have been formed and hence a formation of its public wing was been demanded by general Muhajir population. Due to this need Mr. Altaf Hussain formed “Muhajir Quami Movement” (MQM) on March 18, 1984 which was later transformed into “Muttahida Qaumi Movement” (MQM) on July 26,1997.