Business and Personal web pages from Pakistan Search result

Mahar Group Youth Wing Ghotki

Mahar Group Youth Wing Ghotki

SARHAD, Ghotki ,
FFC,Mirpur Mathelo Youngsters

FFC,Mirpur Mathelo Youngsters

FFC Mirpur Mathelo Daharki, Ghotki ,
With a vision to acquire self - sufficiency in fertilizer production in the country, FFC was incorporated in 1978 as a private limited company. This was a joint venture between Fauji Foundation and Haldor Topsoe A/S of Denmark. The initial share capital of the company was 813.9 Million Rupees. The present share capital of the company stands above Rs. 8.48 Billion. Additionally, FFC has more than Rs. 8.3 Billion as long term investments which include stakes in the subsidiaries FFBL, FFCEL and associate FCCL.


OGDCL, Qadirpur Gas field, , Ghotki ,
Relocation of Ex-Pirkoh Compressors at Qadirpur Project OGDCL is operating Qadirpur Gas Field located at a distance of about 80 km from Sukkur, Sindh Province of Pakistan. The field has been in operat
Minority Development Organization Ghotki

Minority Development Organization Ghotki

Ghotki, Ghotki ,
Minority Development Organization is one of the most top social and peoples organization which is serving for the betterment of Ghotki natives.
Islamia Public Higher Secondary School Ghotki

Islamia Public Higher Secondary School Ghotki

Main station road at ghotki, Ghotki ,
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The Educators Ghotki Campus

The Educators Ghotki Campus

Main bypass Ghotki District,Sindh , Ghotki ,
This School was setup in Ghotki in 2010 to promote modern and international system of education.
Yaro Lund

Yaro Lund

Yaro Lund , Ghotki ,
Yaro Lund Ghotki Sindh Pakistan This is Beautifull City in Ghotki Sindh
Tel: 723611000
Virtual University - Ghotki Campus

Virtual University - Ghotki Campus

Government Degree College, Ghotki, Ghotki ,
Virtual University - Ghotki Campus
Sindh Graduates Association Ghotki (Branch)

Sindh Graduates Association Ghotki (Branch)

Station Raod Ghotki., Ghotki ,
Objectives Sindh Graduates Association is a non-political Humane Social Organization recognizing inter-cultural and inter personal interaction for national harmony and peace among all sections of population and its objects shall be: • To organize and unite the Graduates of Sindh where ever they may be. • To redress the unemployment and social grievances of the people of Sindh where ever they may be. • To endeavour to increase the Sindhi Primary Schools and to secure improvements in the Primary, Secondary and Higher (General and Technical) Education and to establish Educational Institutions. • To secure facilities from Federal / Provincial Government and Private sources for providing libraries, hostels, reading rooms and auditoriums. • To provide assistance to people in respect of matters arising out of or incidental to their employment. • To organize and run clubs, libraries, fair price shops and other forms of social services. • To cooperate and federate with other organizations of Sindh/Pakistan having kindred objects. • To endeavour to improve health facilities and establish health institutions. • To facilitate and to establish income generating projects for empowerment of poor. • To endeavour to protect basic human rights. • To endeavour to mobilize and sensitize the people on gender issues and social development. • To endeavour to protect archeological structures and to preserve cultural heritage of Sindh. • To endeavour to work on the issues facing the people of Sindh in different fields for their environmental, social and economical development. • To promote, fund, build, aid, assist, manage, maintain, administer and run schools, polytechnics, colleges, universities,research centers, educational institutions and training centers. • To promote, establish, purchase, acquire manage, control, supervise co-operative societies, corporate bodies or industrial undertakings, companies, financial institutions, banking companies and any other institutions. • To purchase, take on lease, exchange, hire or otherwise acquire immovable or movable properties, rights and privileges whatsoever to build, construct, alter and maintain buildings, houses or other constructions for the Association or general benefit of people. • To purchase, hire, maintain any agricultural farms, equipment, machinery or apparatuses for furtherance of objects of the Association. • In association with any foreign organization or on its own the Association may undertake all or any of its programs or activities in any country (recognized by Pakistan) of the world or assist the replication of such programs or activities in such manner as the council of members may decide. • To enter into any arrangement with Provincial / Federal Government or authority, local municipal or otherwise public or quasi-public bodies that may seem conducive to the objects of the Association for rights, privileges and concessions, which the Association may think desirable to obtain and to carry out, exercise, and comply any such arrangements, rights, privileges and concessions. • To Receive donation from any person, local organizations, corporate bodies including without limitation private and public limited companies, Government of Sindh / Pakistan, International Development Agencies, International Organizations, Foreign Governments, UN Agencies from home and abroad. • To establish in any place in Sindh, Pakistan or elsewhere in the world such branch, agency or local board for managing any of the affairs of the Association as may be considered necessary and expedient. • To establish, run and support research institutions, laboratories, technical training centers and schools, grant stipends, scholarships for training abroad, and to do all such other things as may be calculated to benefit the Association. To promote arts and science and advancement of knowledge on literature, medicine, engineering, agriculture and other areas which will promote the well-being of human beings and / or preservation of flora and fauna on a sustainable basis and give literary and science awards and prizes in furtherance of these objectives. • To establish, support, or aid in the establishment and running of associations, institutions, funds, trusts and conveniences calculated to benefit members or employees or ex employees of the Association, or the dependents connected to such persons and to grant pensions and allowances and to pay towards insurance and to subscribe or contribute money to employees, provident fund and to open schools, hospitals, clubs, cooperative shops and to provide suitable living quarters. • To act or be appointed as trustee, agent, representative, to manage, superintend and to control any venture in furtherance of the objects of Association. • To fund, build, aid, assist, set up, manage, maintain, administer, run homes, shelters, for poor and ultra poor with special emphasis on welfare of children, women and disabled for their development and empowerment and for relief of distress. • To print, publish, issue, circulate papers, periodicals, books, publications and other literary, scientific and useful works, efforts and undertakings or may undertake/use electronic means/media such as TV channels, radio etc. as may be helpful to accomplish any of the objects of the Association.
Tel: 723681830
Sant Satram Dham Ghotki

Sant Satram Dham Ghotki

Near Sain Chandu Ram Colony, Ghotki ,
Sant Satram Dham Ghotki
Tel: 9.23E+11