Business and Personal web pages from Pakistan Search result

Hyderabad Wheeler Group

Hyderabad Wheeler Group

Pakistan Sindh , Hyderabad Lines ,
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Chiniot Badshah

Chiniot Badshah

Mohallah Insarian Chiniot, Faisalabad ,
Professional Cricket Team based on only Chiniot Khoja Players.
Karachi Scuba Diving Centre

Karachi Scuba Diving Centre

C-32, 9th Street, Suit # 7, , Karachi ,
Karachi Scuba Diving Center (KSDC) was established in the year 1989, it was a pioneering effort By Yousuf Ali, PADI Master Instructor and Mechanical Engineer from Karachi, Pakistan. KSDC’s goal is to organize and promote swimming, lifesaving, skin diving and scuba diving through training and instructional programs. KSDC’s aim is to increase awareness, responsibility and education of marine life by providing training programs and other important information to the general public, particularly universities and schools, social clubs and NGOs. We hope that over a period of time people will realize the importance of protecting our beaches, marine life and environment. Making documentaries on Environmental awareness, Protection of Marine life, Pollution, and safety on Beaches Scuba Diving Scuba Diving is a healthy sport, and not only sports but also it is of its own science. It enlightens people to respect and protect our fragile environment, educate people on, water-safety, beach rescue, oceans, and its currents, beautiful fauna and flora. This sport also edify us about the underwater world, eye catching coral reefs, colorful tropical fishes and chunky underwater-forest beyond our imagination. Scuba Diving is a remarkable Sport It teaches self-confidence to the meek and humility to the bold, initiative to the withdrawn and philosophy to all It teaches us to take infinite pains and build characters, determination and cool judgment Mention should be made of the camaraderie in the diving sorority. Diving provides an adventure that binds its devotee together by a common sense of responsibility for each other’s safety. It brings out the finest qualities in person and results in the most enduring friendship.
SMT Mardan Street Racing Official

SMT Mardan Street Racing Official

sheikh maltoon town mardan, Mardan Cantonment ,
ThIs iS the placE fOr thOse who lOoves cArZZ..... ;)
Sialkot Stallions

Sialkot Stallions

Pakistan, Sialkot ,
Plzz Like Our Official Pages.. Thanxx for Visit Our Pages....
Swabi Sports Board

Swabi Sports Board

SWABI.KPK, Swabi ,
we want to incourage all the sports activities in swabi and help to provide facilities to all the youth of swabi and thus our young generation will able to move forward and take the opportunity to show his talent all over the world....
Tel: 3149857032
Aghosh Swimming Pool Kot Addu

Aghosh Swimming Pool Kot Addu

Bypass Road Near Aghosh Marriage Hall, Kot Addu ,
This is a Swimming Pool Located at Bypass Road Near Aghosh Marriage Hall Owner:Asghar Ali Shah
Tel: 3007480911
KoHiStAn UnIteD FoOtBaLl ClUb MaNsEhRa

KoHiStAn UnIteD FoOtBaLl ClUb MaNsEhRa

Clifton United FC

Clifton United FC

Clifton United FC | Hammad, Ahmed, Danish, Ismail, Chander, Hassan, Shah Rukh, Shah Zaib, Arkam, Ajay, Uzair, Waheed, Umair, Shakoor, Yosuf, Rohail, Abdullah, Danish.
Muzaffarabad Jeep Club

Muzaffarabad Jeep Club

Lavish Dine, Muzaffarabad ,
Muzaffarabad Jeep club is founded in 2008. Our objective is to provide the means to enjoy Jeep ownership without hassle, complication or bureaucracy. We have a particular focus on encouraging those new to Jeep ownership to learn more about their vehicles, but also appeal to the more experienced off-roader. We believe there’s much both groups can learn from each other. Our discussion forum is home to a welcoming, more mature style of discussion, and our events are both off-road and social in nature. • Where will you drive yours? Youtube link for MJC Videos
Tel: 9.23E+11